Hope of Israel Monroe Messianic Fellowship is a group of Jewish and non-Jewish believers in the Messiah gathered together to witness and celebrate His salvation, the Good News for all people. We are a fellowship of believers who are prayerfully seeking the establishment of a Messianic Congregation in the Monroe, Union County area.


Our purpose is to:

  •  Intentionally pray to orient ourselves to the Holy Spirit and the Lord’s will in the establishment of a Messianic congregation in the Monroe, Union County area growing out of this fellowship. Trusting in the Lord’s timing as HE provides the means and the people who have a heart to serve Him in this way.
  • Intentionally gather for fellowship, prayer, worship, testimony, teaching, and celebrating the Biblical holidays in a Messianic frame of reference and values.
  • Share our belief that the most effective long term testimony of the Good News of Messiah to Jewish and Non-Jewish alike is a healthy, local congregation.
  • Share the necessity and privilege of sharing the Good News of Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) to the Jew, and equally to the non-Jewish (Gentiles) according to the Scriptures, in a clear yet sensitive way.
  •  Encourage all Believers to support the State of Israel and pray for the peace of Jerusalem as instructed by the Holy Scriptures. (Psalm 122)
  • Encourage Believers to be supportive of a local Messianic congregation plant as an outreach on behalf of the whole Body of Messiah as a place to bring non-believers to hear the Good News and as a place where Jew and Gentile alike can grow together in Messiah as His disciples.
  • Encourage churches and the Body of Messiah to be an effective witness to Jewish community in their area by effectively representing the truth that Yeshua (Jesus) is both the Savior of all who believe and that believing in Him does not lessen one’s Jewish identity. (John 3:36, 8:24)


Mission Statement of Hope of Israel

The Mission of Hope of Israel Congregation is to develop Messianic disciples who

serve as witnesses to Israel and of Israel.

1)    To develop: all congregational systems and activities are to effectively develop our members into Messiah’s likeness. (Romans 8:29; Ephesians 4:12-13)

2)    Messianic disciples: the membership is expected to be followers of Yeshua who embrace HOI’s Messianic values and teaching. (Matthew 28:18-20; Romans 11:11, 31)

3)    Who serve: all the membership actively participate in HOI’s ministries of worship, witness or the word. (Ephesians 4:12, 16)

4)    As witnesses: both our speaking and serving testify to the HOI’s Messianic values and teaching at our services and in the community. (Acts 1:8)

5)    To Israel: we communicate G-d’s faithfulness in Messiah to the Jewish people (but not to the exclusion of Gentiles) outreach, celebration of the feasts, etc. (Romans 1:16)

6)    And of Israel: we testify to the whole body of Messiah of G-d’s faithfulness to the Jewish people through our teaching, etc. (Romans 11: 1-2)